Powerful images of a cartoon can be a quick and effective way to communicate one's idea. Humour touch with simplicity can connect best with many individuals. Through this blog, we hope one will be able to Rediscover the Power of Cartooning, embracing Greater Sense of Humour in Life!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Published Chinese Comics in Newspaper

I have submitted comic strips to a newspaper publication during the year 2002 and it did get published for several series. They are not big publisher unlike the main stream press so usually you only get credited rather than being paid for your work. For exposure wise (in the past) I really do not mind. I only sent in good quality laser print rather than the original art work. We should know that never to send in originals because most people will not take good care of your art pieces.

I feel that submitting comics strip to newspaper in Singapore can be very limiting. If you do not know any people inside, you seldom get a chance. It is not an "open trade" where they want people to submit cartoons or comic strips.They have their in-house cartoonist to do the job if they want to fill up some spaces in newspaper. Magazine may fair slightly better, but some magazines may even have a "no cartoon policy". Check out with the magazine editor first before you want head for the mail box.

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